Monday 1 October 2012

Ready, Set, Conquer: Playing the Territorial Acqusition games

That's right gamers, get ready for the most ruthless, cut-throat event of the year; It's the presenting of the Territorial Acquisition games!  Game designers from around the class will come together to determine who is the most cunning, sneaky and strategical in this once in a life time event! Okay just kidding it wasn't that cut-throat, it actually was a lot more fun than that. So during Week 2's tutorial (I know we are already on week 3, I'm a little behind on my blogging since we had our prototype due during this past week so all my extra blogging time went towards that but the blogs will be up soon) we had to present our Territorial Acquisition game (The blog about it is located here) and surprisingly it was a lot more fun than expected.

Now I've never really liked playing games like Risk (It always took way to long for either me and my friends to actually finish a game), however playing some of the games my fellow classmates came up with was really enjoyable. From me being a show girl (Not that kinda show girl, I was the one to hold up our game when we presented, which I had to hold above my head because I was really short and the front desk covered it if I didn't hold it up high) to having to constantly keep Gianluca on a leash (Not an actual leash mind you. We just needed to constantly keep dragging him back to our group while we were playing the games because he was so obsessed with knowing what the other groups thought of our game), our night of gaming was not short of entertainment.

After all the presentations were down we had a quick break before we started playing and reviewing everyone's game, which my group used to play our game, Ant Hill, for a little bit. While we didn't get very far in the game, we did have a ton of fun and some good laughs curtsey of Evelyn and Gianluca's silly antics (No seriously they are extremely funny to watch interact, if you had a party and had no entertainment all you would need is those two in the room and hilarity would ensue). Below are just some pictures of us playing our game (It was so hard getting a picture of Clement, he seems to really hate pictures):


 After our entertaining round of Ant Hill, the first (I say first because playing your own game doesn't really count) game we played was called Gangland, where you are a gangster trying to control the city (at least I think that was the goal the rules weren't very specific). Now my group and I really didn't enjoy this game because the rules were not written very well (actually they down right pathetic since at one point they literally said to refer to the rules of Risk, which we didn't know very well) and we had no idea how to even start the game! We ended up making it up as we went along and sort of played it, but never really go into it. Below is some pictures of us playing and struggling with the game:

 After that interesting (I say interesting because I don't know how to describe it without sounding too mean. I really didn't like that game) game of Gangland, my group and I moved onto Lord and Ladies (What the name had anything to do with the game I'm not quite sure since I don't really remember the presentation) which was one of the funnest games we played all night! Basically you have 4 pieces, each with their own colour and corresponding marker, and the goal of the game was to capture the most territory (Duh that's what a territorial game is, I know that people) but the thing is you can't take over another person's area.

So you are probably wondering how you mess with other people in the game, well you could always do what Clement did and trap me in a corner (See if you land on an opponent's area you can only move one space until you are out of it and Clement trapped me in my area by spreading his area right across mine. I controlled a corner and Clement controlled a line straight across, effectively trapping me). This game was so much fun and I think one of the best that night! Here are some pictures of us playing Lords and Ladies:

After the awesome game of Lords and Ladies (My group actually really wanted to play it again but other people needed to have a chance to play it and we needed to play the other games) we moved on to a game called Corporation Exploitation. This game was a little confusing (not because the rules weren't clear but because we had to constantly do math throughout the game...ewww math) and we didn't end up playing much of the game. There were many different options that a player could choose from all of which affected how much money you received, however some of them made it difficult to collect money especially when you are reduced by 3% and there wasn't a type of bill (they used monopoly money) to properly represent how much you received (at one point I received $173 and there was no ones or tens to use to give me that amount).
  The last game we played that night was some of our good friend's game (This was Peter, Tom, Asher, Rohit and Ryan's game), called Dinowar -The Alien Menace, which was the coolest board in the entire class (well at least in my opinion). Unfortunately we ran out of time while playing this game, but from how far we got (not very far mind you) it was pretty fun (and I'm not just saying this because they are our friends). To let you in on a little secret if you look at our board game and the pieces that make up Asher's game, you will notice that the flower shapes are the same. This is because Asher and his group had been working at Gianluca's house (which is where we made our game as well) and left these flower shape things around everywhere (we had no idea what they where at the time) and realized that they were the perfect shape to you to trace out of hexagonal board spaces (we told Asher later after we realized that was apart of his board and all had a laugh about it).
Here are just some pictures of the other groups playing our game (You will notice that Gianluca is in a lot of these pictures, that was because he just couldn't sit still and play the other games since he was so obsessed with knowing what everyone else thought of our game):

 Here is Peter, Tom, Rohit, Asher and Ryan playing Ant Hill.
  Here is Thomas and his group (unfortunately I don't know all their names) playing Ant Hill.
 Here is Shaun and his group (unfortunately I don't know all their names) playing Ant Hill.
  Here is Rafaele and his group (unfortunately I don't know all their names) playing Ant Hill.

This week's class was definitely better than last week and I cannot wait for our next tutorial where we will present our collection game (I'll post another blog about that later).

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