Tuesday 9 October 2012

Collect Till You Drop

So the collection war has come and gone and Clement pretty much came out on top (He won 2 out of the 4 games we played that night and he was barely trying). Now if anyone is confused or has no idea on what I am talking about click Here and Here for more info. I was planning on writing this blog over the weekend but work and that blasted  Turkey based (Eww Turkey. OK it's not that I don't like Turkey but my family and I are pretty sure I'm Allergic to it because it makes me seriously sick, so I avoid it like the plague) holiday, known as Canadian Thanks Giving got in my way. So during last week's tutorial we were required to present and play the Collection Games we made (Now I have already expressed my dislike for my group's collection game since I felt the game play was a little boring but whatever).

Now the collection games weren't as entertaining to play as the Territorial Acquisition games we played the week before but my group manged to have fun. Evelyn and I played a quick game of Class Wars (the collection game our group made) during our break and we not only found it a little slow (mind you we were only playing with two people so having more probably would have been more fun but the boys were obsessed with something on Clement's computer) but also a little hard, seeing as it was taking us forever to even get one A in the game. Here are some pictures of Evelyn and I playing our game (you can see the boys on the computer in some of the pictures too):

Risky Diggers:

So the first game my group played that night (Aside from the quick game of Class Wars Evelyn and I played) was a game called Risky Diggers (This game was made by the same group who made Gangland last week and they clearly didn't take the advice we left them about their rules to heart very well). Now in this game Players are diggers trying to collect 4 types of jewels (you couldn't collect a type of jewel you already had, meaning you could only collect one of each type) before their opponents. Now my group didn't enjoy this game to much since the rules were a little vague and weren't well written (not only that but one of the people who created the game, I won't be mentioning his name, kept coming over and bothering us while playing. He kept insisting that we weren't reading the rules properly when we explained that they weren't very clear, which I thought was really rude). Eventually we figured the game out and Clement (he kept pulling up his scarf to be a ninja during the game, it was really funny) ended beating us all. Below are some pictures of us playing Risky Diggers:

Head Hunters:

The second game of the night was our good friends, Asher, Tom, Peter, Ryan and Rohit's, game called Head Hunter where you were this big CEO (at least I think you are suppose to be a CEO) who must hunt and collect humans (seriously I've said it before and I'll say it again, you can really tell a person's personality by the type of games they make). This game was a card game with a unique set up, but boy was it hard to actually capture a human, Evelyn ended up winning the game (she was the only one to actually capture a human). Below are some pictures of us playing Head Hunter:

Gem Hunter:

So Gem Hunter, the third game we played of the night and I think it was Thomas's groups game, was by far the funnest collection game we played. Basically each player had to choose a stop on the board to start, and you needed to flip over the card to see what action you were required to do (if you landed on a blank tile you were fine, but land on a trap tile and you miss your next turn! Of course if you land on a Gem tile you get a gem). You could move in any and every direction you could think of which made it so much more entertaining in my opinion. Now the trick with this game was there were more trap tiles and blank tiles than there were Gem tiles (my group landed on pretty much every trap tile, which was hilarious when it wasn't happening to you). Clement ended up defeating us all with 4 gems to either our 2,1 or 0 gems (he claimed it was his Asianness working for him but I think he was just really lucky, wasn't even trying at one point!!). Below are some pictures of us playing Gem Hunter:

Science Fair:

The last game of the night was a school based collection game (like our game) called Science Fair, where players were students trying to collect their parts needed for their projects. Now personally I wish the board had been a little bigger (or the cards be a little smaller) because many of the squares were slightly hidden while we were playing making it hard to determine what we needed to do after landing on them. No one ended up winning this game (If anything Clement and I tied because we were the only ones to have gotten a project card, which you needed to collect first before you could start collecting parts for your project) and throughout the game we kept forgetting to collect money (they used poker chips as game currency) when we landed on certain tiles since they were colour coded and there was no legend on the board (only on the rule sheet) which caused us to forget to collect our money (which was needed to buy project supplies). The game play was ok, not anything amazing but it wasn't boring. Below are some pictures of us playing Science Fair:

  Here are just some pictures of the other groups playing our game (Surprisingly Gianluca wasn't obsessed with knowing what everyone thought of our game this week and actually stayed seated throughout all the games).
Kas and his group (unfortunately I don't know all their names) playing our game, Class Wars.

Thomas and his group (unfortunately I don't know all their names) playing our game, Class Wars.

Ryan, Peter, Tom, Asher and Rohit playing our game, Class Wars.

This week's games weren't the greatest in my opinion, but I think that just has to do largely to the fact making a collection board game is kinda hard to do, let alone create dynamic game play in it. While the games weren't the most entertaining, my group still managed to have fun and our TA, Rina, came by while we were playing Science Fair and we had an awesome time chatting about Anime, Manga, and K-Dramas (best part of the night :D). I cannot wait for our next class where we need to create a card game based on a retro Atari game (MY INNER GAMER NERD IS SPAZING WITH EXCITEMENT)!

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