Thursday 4 October 2012

Jane Austen References

So in an earlier post (located Here) I was talking a little bit about Jane Austen and her life. I'm writing this post in order to provide some of the sources I used when I wrote that blog and some more books and sites for anyone who is interested in learning more about her. Now I learned about Jane Austen in High School in my Literature class (that was kinda a boring class so I didn't stay in it for long, however I did stay long enough to be introduced and taught about Austen) so a lot of things about her and her works are common knowledge for me but since I know most people weren't given the opportunity I will give you some things to look at for more information.

  • Catherine Reef. Jane Austen: A life Revealed. Boston: Clarion Books, 2011.
  • Carol Shields. Jane Austen. New York: Viking, 2001.
  • Harold Bloom. Bloom’s Biocritiques: Jane Austen. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2002.
  • Harold Bloom. Bloom’s Major Novelists: Jane Austen. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2000.
Note: Many of these books can be found at your local book store or library, I borrowed some of these books from a friend of mine who loves Jane Austen and who use to study Literature, the others were found at my local library.

Web Sites:


  • Nicky Patterson. 2002. The Real Jane Austen [Motion Picture].  BBC.
  • Francesco Carrozzini. 2009. The Divine Jane: Reflections on Austen  [Motion Picture].  The Morgan Library & Museum.
 Note: You can find both documentaries online by googling them. The Real Jane is about an hour long and The Divine Jane is about 16 minutes. Both are very well done and very informative, I highly recommend you check them out. Another movie that is about Jane Austen's life is Becoming Jane, this movie isn't as accurate but it does show Austen's life and inspiration for Pride & Prejudice.

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