Wednesday 31 October 2012

Modification Tic Tac Toe

So this week in Game Design we were issued a remix and remodel challenge, which we immediately accepted. To complete the first part of the remolding and remixing challenge (the second part is found Here) we needed to take the game of Tic Tac Toe, which is a game of pure skill, and change it to be more of a chance based game and then choose a previously made game. This is to be achieved by adding one or more chance-based mechanics, now this can be as simple as adding a dice roll to the game (but that wouldn’t be to fun now will it). Now before I explain how I changed the rules of Tic Tac Toe let me quickly explain the game and its rules for anyone who has never played.

Now Tic Tac Toe is a paper and pencil game in which players take turns placing X’s and O’s along a 3×3 grid. The goal of the game is to place 3 markers (either X or O) in consecutive order, either in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row. An example of the game is seen below:
The rules of Tic Tac Toe are as followed:
  • X always goes first
  • Players must place X’s and O’s alternately on the board until one player has a row of 3 or the board is filled.
  • If a player is able to draw 3 of the same markers, that player wins.
  • If all squares are filled and neither player has 3 markers in a row, it is a draw.
For those who have never played Tic Tac Toe you can play it online Here.Now there are many different Strategies to play and win Tic Tac Toe, here is a guide with pictures showing how to never lose at this game (Now if you are playing against an experienced player you may have some trouble with them):
Tic Tac Toe Strategy

My Modifications: 
Now when looking at Tic Tac Toe and playing a few rounds online and against some friends (depending on who I played it against the results were very mixed, I won some, I lost some and we tied some.) I began thinking of ways to change the game. Now the first thing I decided was to change some of the pre-existing rules by both increasing the board size to be a 6×6 grid rather than a 3×3 one. After increasing the size I decided that instead of having to match 3 in the row player will have to match 4 in a row, however matching 5 and 6 in a row is entirely possible to achieve but not necessary to win the game.

Now with the increased board I added a number range along the board on its Y and X axis ranging from 1 to 6, I utilized in my 1st modification where players must roll 2 dice, the dice must be rolled one after another to determine where you play your marker(either an X or an O). The first dice corresponds to your X value while the second dice corresponds with your Y value. Now if the tile you rolled already has a marker on it you will lose your current turn, meaning you cannot place a marker on the board during the current round.

The next modification I made to Tic Tac Toe was to add a mechanic that determines who is what marker, X or Y, each turn, I did this by making each player call a side on a coin and flip the coin. The player who wins the coin toss is allowed to choose which marker they wish to play as in that round, the players are encouraged to choose the current winning marker and attempt to win the game, however they are free to choose the losing marker if they feel like it.

 Next I added another mechanic to the game, which will change the order of who starts each round, meaning at the beginning of every round in a game of Tic Tac Toe, after deciding who is what marker, players must determine which marker goes first in every round, rather than having the same person go first every time. I implemented this mechanic by making players play a quick game of Rock Paper Scissors to determine go goes first in every round, players can set the limit to the number of rounds of Rock Paper Scissors that must be won and played.

A video of my playtest of my modified can be found below (Note: This was played with my brother who has just learned the modified game rules and I had him give me feedback after the game):

Play Testing:

Commentary on The Modifications:

Some Changes That Came After The Play Test:
  • Two other winning patterns
    • Players can either make a square out of 4 consecutive acquired spots
    • Players can make an L shape out of 4 consecutive acquired spots
An Idea for Further Changes to Tic Tac Toe:
  •  Adding more than 2 players, which would require a different set of rules

In case You Were Interested
Here are some links for more info on Tic Tac Toe.

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