Tuesday 16 October 2012

Atari Battle: The Card Game Wars

So in some earlier posts (found Here and Here) I talked a little bit about last week's assignment, and to be honest our Atari Battle wasn't what I imagined it be like, it was actually really slow and a little boring. Now while I was super excited to make a card game based on an Atari game, and playing everyone's games, the night didn't completely live up to my expectations (but whatever there's nothing you can do about that). So like the collection war, Clement ended up winning a few of the games except one, WHICH I WON (that's the first time I won a game since we started playing games in our tutorials, I was so excited)! Now poor Jesse wasn't feeling well during the tutorial so he went home after the presentations, so he unfortunately he couldn't play cards with us (personally I think it would have been more fun to play all together but it is better for him to get better than play games). So during our quick break Evelyn, Clement and I played a quick round of our Elevator Card game (Gianluca was obsessed with some live stream that night so he didn't play much with us). Here a some pictures of us playing our game (for some reason I didn't take a lot of pictures this night, not sure why though).
Dig Dug:

So the first game of the night (since like I said before playing our game during the breaks doesn't count) which was a two player game (we had 4 people, although Gianluca would come and go during the game since he was paying attention to his live stream) based on the Atari game Dig Dug (which I'm pretty sure was Kas' group). Now to play this game we quickly decided to form teams of two (Evelyn and I against Clement and Gianluca, Clement was mostly playing by himself though since Gianluca was paying attention to some live stream) and choose between the two characters, Dig Dug (Evelyn and I choose that) and  Fygar (Clement was the big bad enemy dragon). Now the goal of the game for Dig Dug was to collect all the Pooka's and for Fygar the goal was to kill Dig Dug, and Clement quickly and effectively destroyed Evelyn and I (he was really good at this game, and I mean really good). Below are some pictures of us playing this card game based on Dig Dug:
 The game rules:
Galaga The Card Game:

So the second game we played was made by Asher, Rohit, Tom, Peter and Ryan and it was based on the Atari game Galaga, which was made to be a cooperative game between all players. Basically all players play on a team of humans defending the earth from Alien Invaders, which is an interesting concept however a little boring to play. The way to clear invading Aliens is to match the number on the card in your hand to the ones laid out on the table. Now while their game captured the idea of Galaga and kept with the theme, it was a little boring to play in a group, personally I think this game would have been more effective if it was a one person game, since playing in a group was way too easy to win (yes technically we won two rounds of this game but since we won it by working as a group I don't really count in our list of wins).  Below are some pictures of us playing this card game based on Galaga.
 The Game Rules:
Dig Dug:

  So another group made a game based on the Atari game Dig Dug (This was Thomas' group, I know this because I was with them when they were printing out their cards, and we chatted while I was cutting out our cards), and the TA, Rina, ended up playing this game with us with was pretty cool (especially because we never really get the chance to play many games with her). So the goal of this game to collect (kill really but whatever) as many monsters as possible using pumps and rocks, while trying to mess up your opponents (at least I think that was goal, I'm not that sure). The game was pretty fun and was one of the two games that Gianluca played through till the end that night (surprisingly he wasn't paying attention to his live stream around the time we were playing this game. Personally I think it was because it finished but who knows with Gianluca). So while we were a little confused on the rules we were able to play the game and for once Clement didn't totally destroy us (I was actually the winner of this game, I felt so proud). Below are some pictures of us playing this card game based on Dig Dug with Rina (for some reason I forgot to take a picture of the rules for this game):

So the last game of the night my group played was based on the Atari game Frogger (which is one of my favorites so I was a little disappointed with the way the cards looked. I was hoping that the group who made it would have put a little effort into their cards and used the game sprites from the actual game like most of the other groups but what can you do) and once again my group played the game with Rina; Asher also ended up joining us with was awesome because we never get to play games with him and he is really funny. While the cards weren't the nicest to look at they did their job in the game, which is the most important thing. Now the goal of the game is to get your little froggy solider to safety by avoiding the obstacles chosen by your opponents, if you failed to avoided the obstacles you would lose a life indicated by the number on the dice in your possession. Now I relatively enjoyed this game, it was interesting to play but mostly I think it was because of the people I was playing with (especially Asher and Ginaluca's antics, they were funny).  I'm pretty sure Asher was the one who kicked all of our butts during this game, with either Clement or Gianluca a close second (or third it was those 3 who were winning for a good part of the game if I remember correctly). Below are some pictures of us playing this card game based on Frogger with both Rina and Asher:

The Game Rules:

Here are just some pictures of the other groups playing our game (This week Gianluca wasn't obsessed with knowing what everyone thought of our game this week but instead was paying attention to some live stream for some online game, I'm not sure what it was since I wasn't paying attention to what he was watching).
 Rafaele and Rishon's group (unfortunately I don't know all their names) playing our game
Thomas's group (unfortunately I don't know all their names) playing our game
 Kas and Shaun's group (unfortunately I don't know all their names) playing our game

Tom, Rohit, Peter, Asher and Ryan (Ryan wheeled away while I took this) playing our game

So the Atari battle wasn't as I expected it to be but that doesn't mean my group and I didn't have fun, we did have a ton of fun, even though a lot of the fun came from playing games after class while we all waited for our buses, a bunch of us missed our buses by like a few minutes after class finish (it finished surprisingly early this week but I think it was because we only had four games to play). So a bunch of us where going to play a card game called Mug. I think that's what it's called, it stands for Made Up Game. Basically I think Asher and the guys made it up while they were drunk one night, I'm not quite sure though since I wasn't listening when he explained it because I was playing this puzzle game Peter had (OMG IT WAS ADDICTING, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW)  which was a lot like Tetris (Go look that game up if you are unfamiliar with it by clicking Here and play it Here) and I couldn't figure out this one puzzle for the life of me (Peter brought it the next day and I finally figured out after 10 minutes). Personally I'm curious for what we are going to do next week when we have to modify the rules of Liar's Dice, can't wait to see what everyone does (I have a feeling everyone is going to have really similar modifications).

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