Sunday 13 October 2013

Guest Lecture: Shine

So for our 6th lecture we had a guest speaker come in to talk to our class (He's a 4th year student in my program). Basically he came to talk to us about his experience working an internship with Ubisoft (he's so lucky) and the game they were working on called Shine. Now all the interns were students picking through Academia, which a ton of students submitted games for, one of which was chosen and created. The game they worked on was called Shine, which is a 3rd person action/stealth game where your character is trapped in darkness (Unfortunately i cant tell you all about the game since I don't really know much about it and I was kinda dying of a really bad cold when we had this lecture so I missed some of what he talked about).
To find out more check out the official Website Here
Now this lecture was a really interesting experience because not only were we able to talk to this 4th year (who we had absolutely no classes with and most likely would have never been able to talk to him about his experience) but it also gave us something to look into and inquire about regarding setting up internships in the future for ourselves. During this lecture we were able to hear about how it was to actually work in a real fame development studio (and I think this might have finally cemented into the heads of some of my fellow students that pulling all nighters to do work isn't a good idea or what developers actually do). It gave us a chance to find out what Game Developers are looking for when they hire new employees, which will really help in the future when we are all looking for jobs.

I think this lecture was a good experience for my class to have because it really helped open some of our eyes to what is important to be focusing on especially in our careers as game developers. I know for sure that I am going to start looking into internship options next year during my 4th year or even my extra year (since I need to now finish my minor and some classes I'm behind in).

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