Tuesday 8 October 2013

Blog Quest 1: Emotional Contagion 2

So many of you who read this blog (and again I really don't know why you read this thing, I'm not funny) may recognize this title, and if you are thinking hey wasn't there another blog called this? Yes yes there was another blog with almost the same name, and that is because its my second Blog Quest 1 for my class (if you want to look at the first one click Here). Now in my previous Emotional Contagion blog I had this wonderful intro that right now, due to being awake for my than 24 hours and dying because of my cold, I just can't be bothered to even figure out how to write so without further ado let's talk about me feels.

So in the last emotional blog I did I focused on my intense rage that the story line of Assassin's Creed 2 brought to the surface (don't judge alright I just, listen I spent an entire game trying to kill some asshole and I'm not even given the satisfaction of destroying him, it's not fair ok). Now for this emotional blog I'm going to be focusing on the game Journey (which is a wonderful game and everyone should play it). Now I'm sure you all are expecting me to talk (more like rant) about my rage will playing this game, however that's not what this blog is going to be about. Journey is one of the few games that I have never gotten mad at whether it is due to the storyline, the stupidity of characters or even the game mechanics and controls (again don't judge I just have a lot of feels ok people, it's completely normal just look at tumblr).
No Journey brings about a sense of wonder and awe in me when I play. It's one of the most relaxing games I have ever played, and always fills me with a sense of peace up until it scares the living shit out of me because of one thing they added into the game, but I'll get to that later in this blog. Now quickly I'll explain a little bit about Journey before I talk about my feels.


 Now Journey by far has to be one of the most visually stunning games I have the pleasure of owning, its loose, whimsical style of art really helps enhance the simple game play, and story line. Basically it's really pretty, and at first that's all I thought it offered to gamers, but it actually has a story line. This story line is heavily implied through its pretendered cut scenes and is really easy to over look if you aren't looking for it. Now in Journey gamers are playing as a robed figure making it's way through the desert towards the mountains in the distance. There are a number of levels between the beginning of the game and the end goal, each with their own unique setting. There is a severe lack of combat in the game which I'm more use to in many of my other games, which at first was really weird but I came to love the relaxed feel of the game. There is one known (at least only one I know of) enemy which looks like this giant rock snake dragon thing that attacks you if you get in its line of sight, but other than that the game is pretty relaxed and easy to roam through each level at your own pace. The player has a few abilities, which can be upgraded throughout the game, and before you start freaking out about powers, there are only two; The ability to use sounds to activate glyphs and other objects and creatures, and flying. These abilities are your main tools for working your way through the levels. Now enough talking about the game and onto my feels!!! If you really want to know more about the game, seriously guys go play it, its worth the few hours you spend completing the game.


Now this game instills a few different feels in me when I play through a game; Wonder and Awe, relaxation and happiness and fear. Kinda of a weird combination I know but when I explain how this game brings out these emotions it will all make sense (at least I hope).
  • Wonder and Awe
    • Now taking a look at the image is a clear indication on how god damn beautiful the art for this game is, I mean it is just so pretty. In fact the art is so pretty that it's actually the reason I always experience a sense of wonder and awe while I'm playing this game. 
    •  The art in this game is so well done and blends the colors in its color palette in such a beautiful way that it really pulls at the artist in me, and really draws me in to its stunning graphics. 

    •  The game's whimsical art style really brings a sense of awe in me when I think about how the developers created such a visually stunning game. Each level is equally as impressive as the next, and is really inspiring for an inspiring game artist like myself.
  • Relaxation and Happiness
    •  Journey's gameplay is at the center of the sense of relaxation I feel while I'm playing this game. It's lack of clear goals and objectives is a nice change from the mission and storyline drive games I usually play.
    • Now before you say anything about how I'm an achievement game and what could Journey possibly offer a gamer like me, Journey does in fact have Achievements that players can collect, however they are more relax in the way you collect and achieve them unlike most games I play, which is a nice change.
    • In addition, to the chilled out gameplay, Journey's music is absolutely astounding!! Not only does it add to the relaxed feel of the game but a lot of the game's music is uplifting and happy, filling you with the same emotion while playing. Just take a listen and you will see what I mean.
  • Fear
    • Yes while this game fills me with a sense of Wonder, Awe, Relaxation and happiness, it also terrifies the living shit out of me. This is because for some reason the game developers must of thought the game was too easy so they threw these evil, vicious stone snake dragon monster things that attack you if you are caught in their line of sight.
    • These things are the most terrifying things ever, especially when you first encounter them, you aren't entirely sure what they are and then BAM they viciously attack you and rip your cool glowing magic scarf thing.
    • Sure the game alludes to them being some nasty thing but you never really understand what they mean until you encounter those son of a bitches. It's like having the best day ever and then out of nowhere some dick comes around and punches you in the gut (or you know feels in this case).
Well basically that's my rant (actually I don't even think that counts as a rant but whatever) regarding how Journey messes with my feels while I play. It's a great game and I recommend it for everyone who 1. Really like pretty games and 2. Have gotten tired of some of the more played out games and are looking for something different. 

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