Thursday 10 October 2013

Grind Quest: Objectives

Welcome everyone to magical world of blogging fellow internet goers, please find snarky and sarcastic blogs to your right and the back button to your left should you wish to leave and never return (either cause you aren't interested, this blog wasn't what you were looking for or my writing style just isn't funny and just sucks). Today in the land of Gamedevia (that's the magical world in which my Game Design & Production II class takes place in, not gonna lie it's pretty entertaining) I the fearless Yuuki-Sama (I name all of my characters in every game that cause it's my nickname and I'm not going to explain how I got it cause it will take all night) will be tackling the Objectives Grind Quest. Now in this quest I must identify 10 of my favorite games (which was surprising hard to do) and name the objective of each game, discuss similarities and talk about what type of games appeal to me. Well now lets get started shall we (please note the games are listed in no numerical order or based on preference):

  • Dishonored
    • I got this game for Christmas last and it quickly became one of my favorite games, the storyline is amazing, the graphics are awesome and there are so many achievements I can get, its awesome. More info on the game can be found Here.
    • Now in Dishonored the main objective of the game is to go through a series of missions in order to take revenge on the man who kills the Empress and protect the princess from harm. There are numerous side objectives you can complete, but the main one is to help bring the rightful heir to the thrown and remove all threats in the way.

  • Assassin's Creed II
    •  So as I mentioned in an earlier blog I love Assassin's Creed, absolutely love the series in fact I have the 4th game on pre-order and there is a spot in my shelf for it.So far my favorite game in the series is Assassin's Creed II, not only is the story line fantastic and intricate (it needed 3 games to finish it), but the graphics are awesome, the main character is literally the best thing ever, and oh my god the amount of achievements I can get. This was one of my first games for my PS3 and you can find out more info Here.
    •  So the objective in this game is to uncover a conspiracy that got your family killed and take down the conspirators, as well as kill the people who betrayed your family. There are a ton of side quests and objectives you can complete that tie in quite nicely with the game's storyline.
  •  Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten
    •  So Disgaea is a popular JRPG series from NIS America (Nippon Ichi Software is a really popular Japanese Rpg game company, their games are awesome!!) which has numerous sequels and spin-offs, and my favorite one is Disgaea 4 (Ok the Prinny games are so entertaining too and are some of my favorites as well). Disgaea 4 not only has my all time favorite Disgaea character, Valvatorez, but also has an interesting and entertaining plot line. Check out this link for more info, click Here.
    • The main objective in the bizarre game is start a revolution to over throw the evil and corrupt government and stop the crazy evil Judge Nemo from destroying both Earth and the Netherworld. There are numerous side quests you can accomplish, and allies you can collect along your journey.
  •  Little Big Planet
    •  Little Big Planet has to be one of my favorite games (not the karting version though not a fan) for so many different reasons. The top reasons being I can customized my character any way I want, there's a cute, entertaining storyline to follow and the amount of achievements and items to collect, it's glorious. Click Here for more info.
    • Little Big Planet's main objective is expressed through their tagline; Play, Create, Share. It focuses heavily on user-created content, creating, sharing and exploring player made levels, and playing through the storyline either alone or with friends. While in story mode the main goal of the game is to go through each level and fulfill the creators tasks while collecting stickers and costumes along the way.
  • Guacamelee 
    • So this is one of my more newer games but it quickly became one of my favorite games, from its interesting concept and story to its whimsical art style. This game not only has an engaging and hilarious plot and set of characters, but there are numerous skills and achievements to unlock. More info about this game can be found Here.
    • This game's main objective is to defeat the evil, undead Carlos Calaca who has kidnapped El Presidente's daughter (and apparently your secret crush), while collecting new powers and unlocking hidden areas along the way.
  • Pokemon
    •  Pokemon has made up my childhood since I was about 4 years old(1996 is when pokemon came out I was born 1992 so yeah 4 years old) and has been a constant obsession of mine since then (Anyone excited for the new games?? I can get double fire starters guys, double fire starters!!!!!). Now I know pokemon has pretty much the same plot in every game (but how cares its pokemon) but it's all about catching them all (except for one of my friends who releases his pokemon after catching them, I know he's weird). Check out more info Here!
    • Now Pokemon's main objective (I kinda just said it in my previous point but whatever) is to become a Pokemon Master and catch them all.
  •  Pac-Man
    •  Oh Pac-man, you are an oldie but still a goodie. I love you , my mom loves you (which surprised me when on vacation the arcade in one of the hotels we were at was broken so you could play all the games, with a few exceptions, for free and my mom spent almost 3.5 hours playing Pac-man, man is she good at that game), everyone loves Pac-man and if you don't well your wrong. More Pac-man info Here.
    • Pac-man's main objective, run away from the ghost while collecting all the little dot things and occasionally a cherry. 
  •  Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
    •  Oh Uncharted you wonderful game you, Naughty Dog needs to continue making these games like forever. Seriously guys this game series is awesome, with its amazing story lines, beautiful graphics, and ACHIEVEMENTS!!!! My favorite game in the series definitely has be Uncharted 2 though. More info Here.
    •  Now Uncharted 2's main objective is make your way through numerous enemies, puzzles and environments in order to discover the truth behind Marco Polo's lost fleet.
  •  Portal 2
    •  Portal 2 has by far have to be one of my favorite games, the graphic, game play, story line, everything is fantastic! Seriously this game is awesome, I love it! The puzzles are interesting, I can get achievements and OK let's be honest GLaDOS is just awesome. Here's more info on Portal 2.
    • The main objective of Portal 2 is to utilize the portal gun to make your way through numerous puzzles and challenges.
  • BioShock Infinite
    •  Again this is one of my more recently owned games, but that has noting to do with what makes it one of my favorites. What's not to love about BioShock Infinite (The series is great) from its amazing storyline, to its awesome graphics, oh and let's not forget all the achievements I can get!!! Check out the game info Here.
    • The main objective in BioShock Infinite (well actually I'm still in the middle of this game so I'm still currently figuring this out but you know whatever) is to rescue Elizabeth from capture, and currently some weird stuff is happening and I have a feeling I'm gonna have either waste somebody or overthrown some people.


So, if like me, you  have noticed something about all these games while going through this list, they are either all really bloody, violent games with intense story lines and pretty graphics or they are puzzle/collection games which are appropriate for children. All the games, with the exception of Pac-Man and maybe Pokemon and Little Big Planet, have an interesting and compelling story line and either have something to do with getting revenge, saving somebody or finding something. Either all my games, especially my favorites, are story driven, violent RPGs/Shooters/Stealth games, where you either have to kill/stop someone, find someone, or find something, or puzzle/collection games. All these games and a few that I didn't list are perfect games for me as an achievement game, there is always something to collect, something to find, some task or objective to complete. Puzzle, Collection and heavy story driven games with awesome graphics and tons of achievements for me to get are definitely the types of games that appeal to me. Now I'm gonna challenge everyone who reads this blog, think about your favorite games and try and figure what makes them your favorite and what aspects attracts you to a game. 

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