Thursday 28 November 2013

Reverse Scröwdriver Crafting 2

So ever since my midterm for GDP 2 I've kinda been MIA from the blogging world, now since I'm still not convinced that anyone actually reads this thing I guess that being MIA for so long is really that big a deal, but for anyone who actually reads the blog, I was kinda busy work on the game my group is making this year (I've had to redo some of our assets I don't know how many times cause someone keeps touching them and also my iPad reset itself when I updated my software so I kinda lost my 2D art and had to start over -.-) getting my work for a few of my business classes done and lets be honest I may or may not of started watching Grimm, but none the less I'm back to blogging my little heart out. So I now present to all the internet goers and TAs who have to read this my second reverse Scrowdriver blog on Pac-man.
 If you have never played Pac-man before click here to play (HERE).
Pretty much everyone should know the greatness known as pac-man is and have played it, if you haven't I'm going to assume that your parents didn't let you play video games as a child or you have lived under a rock for your entire life (I MEAN WHO DOESN'T KNOW PAC-MAN!!!! SERIOUSLY!). Well for anyone (I seriously doubt there are people over the age of 11 who have never played Pac-man but whatever) who has never played Pac-man I will quickly go over the game;


Now in this game you play as this cute little yellow guy whose goal is to eat all those yellow dots (the pellets) and avoid those rude little ghosts who are trying to stop you. Along the way you can eat cherries, which give your score an extra boost or those larger yellow dots (the power pellets) which allow you to consume the ghosts to get them out of your way temporarily so you can continue your conquest and boost your score. Even though the controls and game play is simple it is a fun and addicting game that I suggest all of you should go play, like right now. By the way if anyone is interested in the history of Pac-man (I have no interest in exploring that in this particular blog) you can check out this link HERE for more info.

Now for my homework I had to change one key rule/ mechanic of Pac-man, and explain what my change would mean for the game, you can find out all about my change below:


So for my change I decided that I wanted to change how the power pellet works. Now instead of making the ghosts able to be consumed, the power pellets, when consumed, will freeze the ghosts in place. Touching the ghosts after consuming the power pellets would no longer get rid of them but would result in losing a life like it usually would when coming in contact with the ghosts.

Now this mechanic change would force players to have to think strategically to maneuver around the frozen ghosts, rather than going through them, in order to continue collecting the pellets. This change will increase the difficulty of the game for more experienced players. This increases the strategic aspect of the game and makes the game play more interesting, because now players have to think about how to move around the frozen ghosts rather than simply going through the ghosts.

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