Friday 29 November 2013

Blog Quest 2: Design your Game Item 2

So in my previous Blog Quest 2 I talked about adding a clothing editor as a new mechanic in the new Pokemon X & Y games which would be super awesome BTW (GET ON IT GAME FREAK), however in this blog I will be looking at an older, but equally fun game for the N64 (So for all your youngings out there the N64 or Nintendo 64 was this awesome gaming system that came out in the mid 1990s and had awesome games like Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Snap and PAPER MARIO AWWWW YEAH!!). Now you may have guessed what game I'm going to be talking about and adding to in this blog, if you didn't care to figure it out or wasn't paying attention its Paper Mario.
So Paper Mario is a standard role-playing Mario game where Bowser has kidnapped Princess Peach (again) and Mario must once again go on a quest to save the princess. However in this game Mario acquires a plethora of sidekicks who help Mario continue through the levels and fight his enemies. Now Mario also gains badges, that gives him power ups and special attacks, throughout the game even though only so many can be equipped at once. Mario also gains a few items in his magical adventure, some of which are consumable and others like his trusty hammer are here to stay. Now Mario's hammer and a few of his sidekicks help him get to and unlock new areas and retrieve items, however I feel like the developers could have added another item that could have made the game play and battle system a little bit more interesting.


So in the images below you can see a little bit of the mechanics that are involved in the battle system as well as in the actual world like the jumping, the hammer and the sidekicks.
 Now all items and partners in the game has specific purposes to either help you in battle, get hard to reach items progress or progress through the level, in fact one partner even allows you to hide from enemies however it only allows to hide while you aren't moving. Now when I was playing Paper Mario I remember thinking why isn't there a way to sneak past or under enemies I don't want to fight at the moment but the only way you could do that was either trying to run past them or try to out maneuver while moving past them. Now this is where the drill item would come into play, not only would drill allow you to dig down and hide from enemies but it would also allow you to sneak underneath and past them. 

Not only would this allow you to sneak behind an enemy and do a sneak attack but it would also allow to enter blocked areas. When underground players would have a set time limit to stay, move or sneak attack an enemy. Furthermore the drill would allow you to defend yourself from sneak attacks and allow you to access secret underground areas that would either contain mini games or special items and upgrades. Personally I think the drill would allow players to explore interesting new areas and even allow you to ally themselves with a new and interesting partner. In addition, I feel like the drill could even allow for new interesting attacks in battle like a charging spin attack that could strike all enemies on the field or an attack that allows the player to dig underground for one turn and then attack the next. I feel that the drill would allow for a more strategic based gameplay for older players and a fun game mechanic for younger players as well.

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