Friday 12 April 2013

Depth of Field

Cool images right well these are just a few examples of a little something called Depth of Field in action. Now Depth of field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in a scene. It is important to remember that depth of field doesn't change suddenly from sharp to unsharp, but instead changes gradually. You can see exactly how Depth of Field works in the image below:
Now in the image below you will find what is called the circle of confusion which is a used to define how much a point needs to be blurred in order to be perceived as unsharp. When this circle becomes perceptible to our eyes, this is considered to be outside the depth of field and thus unsharp. Now an acceptably sharp circle of confusion is that which goes unnoticed when enlarged to about 8in by 10 in and perceived from about 1 foot away.
Depth of Field is an important technique used in games to make the unimportant aspects of the game world less noticeable while drawing attention to the main focus of the scene. This is used often in the Uncharted Series as you can see from the below images:
To learn more about Depth of Field check out these links below:

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