Saturday 22 September 2012

Work and Play, It's All the Same

So in an earlier post I talked about my experience making my first Race to the End board game (post found  Here). Now we were challenged to not only make a board, no that would be way to easy, but also present our game and it's rules in front of our Tutorial/ Lab class. Now you are probably thinking that its that bad, presenting is easy, well here's the catch; We had to do it in 2 minutes or less. Now don't freak out saying oh my god that's horrible or whatever because I actually liked that restriction, it really made us think about what information about our was the most important and forced us to get straight to the point. This was great practice for when we are required to present our prototypes at the end of the month.

Now for me, who is not really big on presenting, this was great. I wasn't required to make a long winded speech (half of which I end up forgeting anyways) but I was able to quickly and efficiently able to explain my game to my peers, some of which were interested in it. Now the presentations went by pretty fast (there is nothing worse than sitting through hours of presentations), and some were actually really interesting!  I meantioned this in a tweet earlier in the week, but I think that the type of game someone comes up with can really say something about their personality and interests.

So just presenting your board game would be a kind of boring class, I mean what if you say someone's game and really wanted to play it, well like the tittle sugests in our work we got to play! Yes in order to complete our work for this class we had to play games (I know your are probably thinking that I'm making this up, I mean come on playing games in class for your class work! Yeah right, but that's what we had to do, not that I was complaining). Although we were running a little late on time we were able to get in a few rounds of both Jesse and my games, and I never realized just how hard I made it!! Everyone kept getting stuck in the checkpoints (the first one to be sepcific) and basically got sent back in as soon as they got out. Everyone started getted frustrated but it was kind of funny. Jesse's game was a little confusing to play since it had such a unique set of rules, which made them a little difficult to remember but none the less still a fun game.

I had played Rohit and Ryan's games while they were still designing them, which helped them catch some of their issues (it's too bad my issues weren't caught when I played mine, probably because the people playing it, a few non game dev kids and myslef weren't fully paying attention while playing. I plan to work on that in the future), but I really wish that we had time to play Evelyn's game! It was basically like a Race to the End RPG, which had sounded like so much fun!!

This class and experience was definately worth going to, and I really cannot wait for the next one.

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