Friday 14 September 2012

About Me

Welcome to the world of the Angry Game Dev Girl.


Welcome readers to the Rants of an Angry Game Dev Girl, this is Laura (also know to most as the loud and angry game dev girl). This blog is going to act as a genral blog that covers many aspects of games that will be discussed and covered in my university classes. I am a Game Development student at the University of Ontario Institue of Technologhy, otherwise know as UOIT, and one of the five girls in my year.

I`m primarily known as an artist to those in my program for my extensive experience in Traditional Art and Graphic Design. I went to an arts high school, and even won an award in 2011 for a design i submitted for the 16th Annual Sears Design Exchange Competition for my 3D Design of work/task lamp.

Right now this blog will be soley dedicated to discussing concepts disscussed in my course, Game Design and Production I (INFR2330), and will include other courses later on.

There will be weekly blog posts for Game Design and Production I, which will be analyses of different games, along with other relevant class content. In the analyses I will be discussing and analysing things such as how the game works, what apsects about the game that make it enjoyable, things that you would have designed differently, among other things.


For those wondering about the title of my blog (I've already recived a few questions as to why its angry), I choose the tittle based on my experiences playing games (some more than others). When playing certain games, Assassin's Creed and Pokemon (Yes Pokemon. Why you ask? Well have you ever tried catching that Blasted Chansey in the Safari Zone? If you have then you can understand my rage) I can get super angry and start yelling and ranting at the screen (Those who are around when this occurs tell me my yells and rants of anger are hilarious. Apparently its especially funny when I'm playing Assasin's Creed and I start yelling in either an Italian accent or in actual Italian).

Twitter: @yullenpyon

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