Tuesday 3 December 2013

PVP Fight 2

So my PVP Fight blog was done on my friend Chrystal's Portal 2 level which I talked about in this blog HERE, and I thought about doing my 2nd PVP Fight on someone's Unity FPS (First Person Shooter) level but when I was planning out my to do list I wasn't to comfortable with Unity (this was before I started working to build my FPS levels and now after spending hours trying different options to make my levels fabulous I can safely say I know how to relatively work that program) so I choose to review my Friend Matthew's Portal 2 level which can be found HERE. Well might as well not waste any time blabbering I wish to go to sleep some time soon, on to the reviewing.

So the first thing I noticed that Matt's level was a nice open area that didn't have any surprise,or  hidden rooms, which I thought was a good design choice on his part because as I mentioned in my earlier larger multi-room levels get really confusing unless there is clear direction. The exit was clear and easy to find rather than being hidden in some remote corner although getting to the exit is another story all together. I like the open concept of Matt's level a lot especially because it's easy to see where all the connection lines attach to so you can figure out which way you need to go.
The level is an interesting design and I really like what Matt tried to do with the level space, especially having to be very precise with where you place your portals during a certain section of the map. Now I think Matt didn't overdue it with the portable surfaces nor where there too little which I liked because it forces the player to actually go through the level obstacles and mechanics rather than being able to skip over most of the obstacles like you could in Chrystal's level. I thought this was a great design choice and with the minimalistic elements the player wouldn't get confused on what needed to activated first and could really appreciate the level design.
What drove me absolutely crazy about Matt's level was trying to get across to the switch that would activate stairs to allow you to reach the companion cube that you need in order to reach the exit. It is so frustrating and difficult to reach because you need to be able to angle yourself in a very specific manner to go through the portal in order to reach the platform so that the velocity would send you across the room to the switch. This is extremely difficult because the platform and portable panel do not line up meaning you have to angle the player and hope you make it throw the portal you created otherwise good luck you will either get stuck on the platform or fall in the deadly goo. After my painstaking ordeal of getting the companion cube and placing it in the right spot is over your next challenge is the get to the exit which is like almost impossible to do and so frustrating I couldn't be bothered to reach the exit after finishing all the rest of the puzzle's aspects. 


Personally I thought Matt's level was well made and clearly had a lot of time and effort put into it, however I think that a few things like reaching the stairs switch and the exit where just was too difficult of tasks and could have been simpler. I think the level as a whole would have been more successful had those to aspects been tweaked a bit. Now I'm not saying this to complain for the sake of complaining or because I couldn't get the exit because I am an avid Portal 2 player and am very good at this game (WHICH EVERYONE SHOULD GET) but getting to the exit was almost near impossible and very frustrating. The other aspects of the level were not very hard to figure out and I would have liked to see a little but more complexity in the level which I feel would have added to the gameplay and length of the level. Personally I think this is a strong design that could be very successful had the two complicated obstacles took away from my enjoyment of the level which I think should be looked at for next time.

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