Monday 21 April 2014

Shadow Mapping + Tutorial

In my last two blogs I talked about a few different Mapping techniques and showed you how to achieve a few of them, now those mapping techniques are primarily used for the manipulation of geometry or the illusion of manipulation. In this blog I'm going to focus on Shadow Mapping, which is another type of mapping however this one is used in the creation and formation of shadows in a scene.



                                  No Shadow Mapping                            Shadow Mapping
 Shadow mapping, otherwise known as projective shadowing, is a 3D computer graphics process where shadows are added into 3D scenes. This concept was introduced in 1978 by Lance Williams, a prominent graphics researcher (You can find more info on him HERE),in his paper entitled "Casting Curved Shadows on Curved Surfaces".

In Shadow Mapping, Shadows are created testing whether a pixel is visible from the light source. This is done by comparing it to a z-buffer or depth image of the light source's view and then stored in the form of a texture.

Algorithm Overview:

When creating Shadow Mapping there are two major steps that are required in this algorithm. The first step produces the shadow map itself, and the second applies it to the scene. Depending on how you do your shadow mapping implementation, and how many lights that are in your scene, you may required multiple additional passes.

Step 1: Creating The Shadow Map

=> In the 1st step the scene is rendered from the light's point of view, which should be a perspective projection
=> In this step the depth buffer is extracted and saved, only the depth info is important at this step so avoid updating the colour buffers and disable all lighting and texture calculations
=> The depth map is stored as a texture

Step 2: Shading The Scene

=> In the 2nd step you draw the scene from the usual camera viewpoint and apply the shadow map
=> There are 3 major components in this step:
                    1. Find the coordinates of the objects as seen from the light
                    2. Test which compares that coordinates against the depth map
                    3. Draw the object in either in shadow or light

Step 3: Light Space Coordinates Test 

=> To test a point against the the depth map, its position in the scene coordinates must be transformed into its equivalent position as seen by the light. This is accomplished by Matrix Multiplication.
=> The object location in the scene is found with coordinate transformation, using a second set of coordinates created to find the object in light space.

Step 4: Depth Map Test

=> After finding the light-space coordinates are found, the x & y values = a location in the depth map, and the z value = depth can now be tested against the depth map.
=>If the z value > the valued stored in the depth at an (x,y) location the object is behind an occluding object and drawn in shadow.
=> If the (x,y) location is outside of the the depth map, the programmer decides whether or the surface is light or shadowed by default.

Step 5: Drawing The Scene

=> There are a few ways to draw the scene
            1.  If Shaders are available, the depth map may be performed by a fragment shader which simply draws in shadow or light in a single pass.
            2. If Shaders are unavailable, implementation must be done through hardware extension (ex. GL_ARB_shadow) which does not allow the choice between being lit or shadowed and required more rendering passes.

More Info:

For more information about Shadow Mapping, here are a few links that will help:



In this section I will go over what is necessary in your GLSL Shadow Mapping shaders, now these shaders are done in version 330 and may not work in your code and should only be used as a guideline in your own code. Also note that this version of Shadow Mapping also has projected textures implemented as well.
                                                             No Shadow Mapping

Fragment Shader:

#version 330 core

in vertex
    vec3 positionObj;
    vec3 normalObj;

    vec2 texcoord;

    vec4 positionLt;
} data;

uniform vec3 eyePos;
uniform vec3 lightPos;
uniform sampler2D diffuseMap;
uniform sampler2D shadowMap;
uniform sampler2D projTex;//projective textures

layout (location=0) out vec4 fragColour;

vec3 PhongLighting(in vec3 fragPos, in vec3 fragNorm,
    in vec3 diffuseColour, in vec3 specularColour)
    // ...this is generally a dark constant
    const vec3 ambient = vec3(0.00, 0.00, 0.05);

    // diffuse component
    vec3 N = normalize(fragNorm);
    vec3 L = normalize(lightPos - fragPos);
    float Lambert = max(0.0, dot(L, N));

    // specular coefficient
    vec3 E = normalize(eyePos - fragPos);
    vec3 R = reflect(L, N);
    float Phong = max(0.0, dot(R, -E));
    // pro-tip: doing this is faster than calling the pow() function...
    Phong *= Phong; //^2
    Phong *= Phong; //^4
    Phong *= Phong;    //^8

    // add components
    vec3 diffuse = Lambert * diffuseColour;
    vec3 specular = Phong * specularColour;
    return ( diffuse + specular + ambient );

void main()
    //this is for projected textures
    vec3 projective = vec3(1.0);

    // 1) Perform clipping manually from point of view
    //so we can sample from the shadow map
    vec4 positionLtClip = data.positionLt;

    //perspective divide ------> normalize device coordinates
    vec4 positionLtNDC = positionLtClip / positionLtClip.w;

    //this is for debugging purposes to check if its working
    //it makes rainbow fog :D
    //fragColour = positionLtNDC;

    // 2) clip test
    //if we go beyond these values it will skip over this
    //and just do regular lightinf instead of shadow mapping
    if ((positionLtNDC.x > -1) && (positionLtNDC.x < +1) &&
        (positionLtNDC.y > -1) && (positionLtNDC.y < +1) &&
        (positionLtNDC.z > -1) && (positionLtNDC.z < +1))
            //fragColour = vec4(1.0);
            // 3) serialize for screen space
            vec3 positionLtScreen = *0.5 + 0.5;

            //fragColour.rgb = positionLtScreen;

            vec2 shadowTexcoord = positionLtScreen.xy;
            float fragmentDepth = positionLtScreen.z;

            // 4) Shadow Test
            float shadowDepth = texture(shadowMap, shadowTexcoord).r;

            //fragColour = vec4(shadowDepth);
            if (fragmentDepth > shadowDepth)
                fragColour = vec4(0.0);

            projective = texture(projTex, shadowTexcoord).rgb;


    vec3 diffuseColour = texture(diffuseMap, data.texcoord).rgb;
    const vec3 specularColour = vec3(1.0);

    fragColour.rgb = PhongLighting(data.positionObj, data.normalObj,
        diffuseColour, specularColour);
        fragColour.rgb *= projective;

Vertex Shader:

#version 330 core

layout (location=0) in vec4 position;
layout (location=2) in vec3 normal;
layout (location=8) in vec2 texcoord;

uniform mat4 MVP;
uniform mat4 lightMVP;

out vertex
    vec3 positionObj;
    vec3 normalObj;

    vec2 texcoord;

    vec4 positionLt;
} data;

void main()
    gl_Position = MVP * position;

    data.positionObj =;
    data.normalObj = normal;
    data.texcoord = texcoord;

    data.positionLt = lightMVP * position;


These are few things to remember to include in your main.cpp file:

1. Edits to your FBO

        // FBO for the shadow pass
        const unsigned int useColour = 1;    // ******** change this later...
        shadowMapPass->Initialize(shadowMapSize, shadowMapSize, useColour, 1, 0);

2.  1st Pass: Shadow Pass in your Render Function

        // ******** (1)
                projectionMat = light0Proj;
        eyeToWorld =
            ObjectLookAt(&light0, light0.position,
                bmath::vec::v3y, bmath::vec::v3zero);
        light0ViewProj = viewProjectionMat;

        // proceed with drawing the objects


        // ******** (3A)

        DrawObjectShadowPass(&ground, cubeRenderable, 1,0,0);
        DrawOBJLoadedObjectShadowPass(&tower, towerOBJ, 0,1,0);
        DrawOBJLoadedObjectShadowPass(&gumbot, gumbotOBJ, 0,0,1);

        // ******** (3B)

3. 2nd Pass: Scene Pass

        // draw scene regularly

        // update camera once per-frame
        projectionMat = camera0Proj;
        eyeToWorld =
            ObjectLookAt(&camera0, camera0.position,
                bmath::vec::v3y, bmath::vec::v3zero);

        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, penguins);

        DrawObject(&ground, cubeRenderable, groundDM, 0);
        DrawOBJLoadedObject(&tower, towerOBJ, towerDM, 0);
        DrawOBJLoadedObject(&gumbot, gumbotOBJ, gumbotDM, 0);

4. 3rd Pass: Display Pass

        // just slap a texture on a plane!


        // ******** (2)


                                                                 Shadow Mapping  
                                                Shadow Mapping with Projected Texture

Sunday 20 April 2014

Mapping Tutorial

So I know it's been a while since I last blogged and partly it is because I've been busy with my animation and Production class and also my parents were recently in a pretty bad car accident and have been needing my help with a lot of things around the house and sometimes even sitting up (which really cuts into homework, studying and Blogging time but you know that's life I guess). No in my last blog, which you can find Here, I talked about 4 different types of mapping. In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create a simple Displacement map in Photoshop, as well as the shader (in version 120 since that's the only version I know how to write the shader for displacement mapping) and how to write the shader for normal mapping. In addition, I'll be showing how to get the different types of maps from a model you have manipulated and sculpted in Mudbox.


When creating a displacement map in Photoshop the easiest way is to start by using an image of clouds. Now if your confused about the clouds I promise I will explain it so it all makes sense by the end of this blog.
An image like this works perfectly, in Photoshop there are 2 simple steps you have to do to create  a simple displacement map.

Step 1: Strip the colour out of the image
               => This can by down under the Image tab, under Adjustments, select the Black & White option. This is strip all colour out of the image.

Step 2: Save the image as Displacement1, them horizontally flip the image to get a second displacement map.
               =>This allows for you to switch between the images to demonstrate the displacement.
Example Maps
 Now these maps aren't going to do much good with having the shader to go with it. I will be showing you how to write the shader and list a few things that are important to do and have in your main. Just remember that I will be showing you how to write the displacement Map shader in version 120 since that's the way I know how to write it.

Fragment Shader:

#version 120

varying vec2 out_texcoord;
uniform sampler2D DisMap;

void main()
    gl_FragColor=  texture2D(DisMap, out_texcoord);

Vertex Shader:

#version 120

uniform sampler2D DisMap;
varying vec2 out_texcoord;

void main()
    out_texcoord =;
    float x=texture2D(DisMap, out_texcoord).r;
    vec4 newcoordinate = vec4(gl_Normal, 1.0) * x + gl_Vertex;
    gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * newcoordinate;


Now a few thing to remember to do and include in your main are the following (Now remember my code is set up differently than yours will be, these are just a few guidelines to keep in mind and depending on how you do your code you may need more or less of these suggestions):
  • Ensure you have your proper variables and handles necessary
    •  unsigned int disp_DisplacementMap; 
    • unsigned int DisplaceProgram;
    • unsigned int Displacement_tex;
    • unsigned int Displacement2_tex;
  •  Don't forget to bind you texture to your object
    • glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Displacement_tex);
  •  Don't forget to include your shader programs
    • const char *frag = "resource/shaders/Displacement_f.glsl";
    • const char *frag = "resource/shaders/Displacement_v.glsl";
  • Make sure to create a handle for the texture Uniform
    •      disp_DisplacementMap = glGetUniformLocation(DisplaceProgram, "DisMap");
  • Load your images properly 
    •   Displacement_tex = ilutGLLoadImage("resource/images/Displacement.png");
    • Displacement2_tex = ilutGLLoadImage("resource/images/Displacement2.png");
  • Make sure you set up your load projection and view matrices for the current viewer properly
    •     glUseProgram(DisplaceProgram);
          glUniform1i(disp_DisplacementMap, 1);

          if (mode1)
              glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Displacement_tex);
          else if(!mode1)
              glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Displacement2_tex);


 Now for Normal Mapping I will show you how to write the shader in version 330 (since that's the way I know how to write it best), then using Mudbox I will show you how to extract maps from you models.

Here is the normal mapping fragment and vertex shaders, these shaders are using per-fragment Phong Lighting in these shaders.

Fragment Shader:

    Object-Space Normal Mapping with Phong Lighting FS

    GLSL fragment shader that performs per-fragment Phong Lighting.
    Also applies texture.

#version 330 core

in vertex
    vec3 positionObj;
    vec3 normalObj;
    vec2 texcoordObj;
} data;

uniform vec3 eyePos;
uniform vec3 lightPos;
uniform sampler2D diffuseMap;

layout (location=0) out vec4 fragColour;

vec3 PhongLighting(in vec3 fragPos, in vec3 fragNorm,
    in vec3 diffuseColour, in vec3 specularColour)
    const float shininess = 10.0;

    // ...this is generally a dark constant
    const vec3 ambient = vec3(0.00, 0.00, 0.05);

    // diffuse component
    vec3 N = normalize(fragNorm);
    vec3 L = normalize(lightPos - fragPos);
    float Lambert = max(0.0, dot(L, N));

    // specular coefficient
    vec3 E = normalize(eyePos - fragPos);
    vec3 R = reflect(L, N);
    float Phong = max(0.0, dot(R, -E));
    Phong = pow(Phong, shininess);

    // add components
    vec3 diffuse = Lambert * diffuseColour;
    vec3 specular = Phong * specularColour;
    return ( diffuse + specular + ambient );

uniform sampler2D normalMap;

void main()
    vec3 diffuseColour = texture(diffuseMap, data.texcoordObj).rgb;
    const vec3 specularColour = vec3(1.0);

    vec3 normal = texture(normalMap, data.texcoordObj).rgb;
    normal = normal*2.0 - 1.0;

    //fragColour.rgb = PhongLighting(data.positionObj, data.normalObj, diffuseColour, specularColour);
    fragColour.rgb = PhongLighting(data.positionObj, normal, diffuseColour, specularColour);

    //fragColour.rgb = normal; //this is a preview only

Vertex Shader:

    Pass Attributes VS

    GLSL vertex shader that performs the clip transformation and passes all
    relevant attributes down the pipeline.

#version 330 core

layout (location=0) in vec4 position;
layout (location=2) in vec3 normal;
layout (location=8) in vec2 texcoord;

uniform mat4 mvp;

out vertex
    vec3 positionObj;
    vec3 normalObj;
    vec2 texcoordObj;
} data;

void main()
    // mandatory!
    gl_Position = mvp * position;

    // additional info
    data.positionObj =;
    data.normalObj = normal;
    data.texcoordObj = texcoord;


In this section of the tutorial I will be focusing on how to create and extract few types of maps that can be used for a different techniques.

The first thing you want to do is load a model and manipulate the model (now if you already manipulated your model or have a higher res model you want to create these maps for well then you're golden).
So for my model I have a tree that I have carved and manipulated both the leaves and the trunk area and will be using this model to show you how to get the maps you need.

Step 1: Open the UV & MAPS Tab

Step 2: Select Extract Texture Maps, then choose New Operation

Step 3: Choose the Type of of Map

Step 4: Select Your Desired Options

Step 5: Extract Your Maps

Wednesday 9 April 2014


Oh man I feel like I have blogged in a while (which is probably extremely accurate since life has been so crazy busy). Well now I'm back and going to focus on different types of Mapping in this blog. I may also create another corresponding blog that will show you how to create certain maps and may even show you have to write the shader for one of the types of mapping.

Now Mapping is a type of computer graphics technique that allows you to create different effects by changing the aspects of a 3D model. There are a few different types of Mapping such as Displacement Mapping, Bump Mapping, Normal Mapping and Parallax Mapping.


Displacement Mapping is a computer graphics technique that uses a texture, often referred to as a height map, that creates an effect where the position of the vertices of a model are displaced in order to create a change in the model's geometry and add geometric detail to the model surface. Essentially displacement mapping uses input from the info stored in a texture map to create bumps, creases, ridges, etc in the model's actual mesh. By actually deforming the mesh shadows can be created by the deformations, and can also occlude the other objects.
Additional Info:


Bump mapping like displacement mapping is a technique in computer graphics that uses a type of texture that stores input usesd to create the illusion of bumps and wrinkles on the surface area of an object. Unlike Displacement Mapping, Bump Mapping doesn't physically alter the model but instead simply creates the illusion of surface alteration. Due to the fact that Bump Mapping doesn't actually alter the surface geometry the 'bumps' and 'creases' cannot create shadows or obscure other objects.

Essentially Bump mapping utilizes the data stored in the texture, known as a bump map (or height Map), and perturbs the surface normals of the objects and using the perturbed normals during lighting calculations. This creates the appearance of a bumping surface even though the actual surface remains unchanged.  The advantage of using bump mapping over Displacement Mapping is that its much faster and requires less resources for the same level of detail.
Bump Map Example:
Additional Info:


Like Bump Mapping, Normal Mapping is a technique in computer graphics that is used to fake the lighting of bumps and dents, and is essentially an implementation of Bump Mapping. Normal Mapping is used to add details without adding more details and is a commonly used to enhance the appearance and details of low polygon models. To achieve this you generate a normal map from a high polygon model or height map.

Normal maps are commonly stored as regular RGB images where the RGB components corresponds to the X, Y and Z coordinates of the surface normal.
Normal Map Example:
Additional Info:


Parallax mapping, often referred to as offset mapping, is an enhancement of bump and normal mapping techniques applied to textures in 3D rendering applications. Parallax Mapping is implemented by displacing the texture coordinates at a point on the rendered polygon by a function of the view angle in the tangent space and the value of the height map at the point. This technique displaces the individual pixel height of a surface, so that when you at it at an angle, the high points obscuring the low points them behind them, creating the appearance of 3D. the height data for each pixel comes from a texture, or a height map.
Additional Info: