Monday 21 January 2013

Game Screenshots

So I know I haven't posted anything in a while but it's a new semester and my new class, Intermediate Computer Graphics, requires frequent blog posts (not that I mind too much since blogging is pretty fun). Now for our first class of Intermediate Computer Graphics our Professor, Dr. Andrew Hogue (A pretty cool and interesting guy to talk who clearly knows his stuff) asked my class to take screenshots of our game we are working on and edit them to show what you want your game to look like. Now some people had pretty decent looking games, while others didn't (our game wasn't the prettiest) so taking screenshots was a little unfortunate for us. However we were asked to use Photoshop to edit our screenshots (which made me super happy cause that means the textures I drew which we had issues putting in our game where finally going to get used! Yeah!!!!)

Having the Photoshop experience that I do editing my screenshots where easy but my problem was deciding what I wanted to do regarding editing my screenshots. Now below you will find a few screenshots  before they were edited, they aren't the prettiest in regards to game art since a lot of the textures had issues being implemented.
 Our Main Menu
Our First Level
You will notice that the only color in our game so far were on the tittle screen and that random red box (which was suppose to the main characters health bar but due to errors in our texture mapping it ended up on the floor disappearing as soon as you moved away from where is it ended up). This was actually what made me decide how I wanted to since I really wanted to see what our game would look like with the textures in their proper place. Below is the game we had wanted to pump out during last semester with all its textures in place.

Medieval Level With Textures:
 Now while we were able to implement the textures into the menu, it was still (as see above) very plain and dull looking. Using some images drawn for the game trailer I added them into the background and middle ground of the menu, changing the opacity and size of some of the images. While applying some effects and filters to the image I came up with for the menu, I designed a few different versions of the menu (I wasn't able to decide which one I liked best and everyone had mixed reactions to the different images).
Unfiltered Menu Image:
Filtered Menu Images:
Personally I would rather of had our game look similar to the edited images than the way it came out but whats done is done, and during this semester our team has decided to change up the art style of our game which we feel would suit the type of game we are making much better. We are going with a more stylized pixel looking style which we believe will suit the theme and style of our game much better.